What is Motion Locomotion?
MOTION LOCOMOTION is all about FUN while introducing children of young ages to body movement and body awareness. In this program we start them at 2 years old in an effort to “get them moving”!
We develop body control, hand-eye coordination, balance, speed, and agility. These are basic skills that will help your child in any sport and will also help their self esteem.
MOTION LOCOMOTION develops confidence and athletic skills in every child and prepares each one of them for sport participation and accomplishments in the future.
How Do Children Benefit?
These children learn basic movement skills that will help them with their movement when engaged in any kind of fun activity. In addition, the eye tracking they learn through ball catching, throwing, and chasing moving balls increases their eye tracking ability in every aspect of their lives. All while they are moving to music, following an instructor that is engaged in their activities, and then working through each and every station that is designed for their specific class program.
How Do Parents Benefit?
Our mutual goal is to influence the children and give them a FUN environment to work in so that they will be excited to come to each and every class. You, the parents will benefit because your child will now be learning movements and skills that will teach them sports movements and those skills will benefit them in the classroom. In addition, you the parent will have a program that you can bring your children to on a weekly basis and know that it will be a benefit to them in all aspects of their life.
MOTION LOCOMOTION develops all these aspects of children’s lives and, additionally, discovers athletic talents in every child. This program can be the essential part of your child’s learning process.
There are three levels to this program. Rookies (ages 2-3), Slammers (ages 3-4), and Aces (ages 4-6).
Monday | 10:30am 1:00pm |
Tuesday | 11:15am |
Wednesday | 10:30am 2:00pm |
Thursday | 11:15am |
Friday | 10:00am 11:00am |
Saturday | 8:00am Noon |
- $180/session for 10 weeks
- $198/session for 11 weeks
Monday | 10:30am 1:00pm |
Tuesday | 12:15pm |
Wednesday | 10:30am 1:00pm |
Thursday | 12:15pm |
Friday | 12:15pm |
Saturday | 9:00am 1:00pm |
- $200/session for 10 weeks
- $220/session for 11 weeks
Monday | 4:00pm 5:00pm |
Tuesday | 11:15am 6:00pm |
Wednesday | 4:00pm 5:00pm |
Thursday | 11:15am 6:00pm |
Friday | 10:00am 4:00pm 5:00pm |
Saturday | 10:00am 2:00pm |
- $220/session for 10 weeks
- $242/session for 11 weeks