Glenbrook’s response to COVID-19
Serving our customers
We believe our role serving customers and the community during this time is a critical one, and we want to make sure people can get the exercise that they need. Through this crisis we need to continue to take care of ourselves with our regular exercise while emotionally helping ourselves feel better. As COVID-19 has spread to all areas of our lives, we’re experiencing people who want to continue to exercise and do what feels good to them. TENNIS, PICKLEBALL, and PADDLE will continue without interruption as long as we can continue to maintain the level of cleanliness and service that supports and takes care of our customers. We are doing everything we can now to continue to make this happen for you and we will continue to monitor these practices until we are out of the COVID-19 crisis.
With this said, we will continuie to offer our regularly scheduled classes for adults and juniors and are working diligently to increase the offerings of programs on the tennis court, pickleball court, and paddle court during this difficult time. A weekly schedule of the increased programs and existing programs will be listed on the website shortly. Please check our site at and for updated information. At this time when families are home and sticking together, we will offer additional family based programming that allows everyone to enjoy exercise together and as a family.
Finally, we want to assure you that Glenbrook Racquet Club is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of all in our members and our guests. As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we want to assure you that in addition to our usual high standards for health and safety, we are taking additional measures to ensure the well-being of our guests, their loved ones and our expanding family of associates.
We follow strict public health guidelines and we have expanded upon the safety protocols issued by the CDC and local health department while keeping our operations open for our members and our guests.
Our added safety measures include:
- Instructing staff and members who may be exhibiting symptoms of illness to stay home and seek care from a medical provider when necessary.
- Increasing the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing high-touchpoint surfaces in the club such as door handles, kiosks, touch screens, counters, racquets, balls carts, ball pick up baskets and restroom surfaces.
Empowering our community
In addition to continuing to offer programs to our existing members and our guests, we are also working to support those in our community who need to continue to work but have been affected by the shut down of many of the Park District tennis facilities. Many will be closed for the next 3 – 4 weeks. In an effort to support our fellow pros, we are extending our unused court time to those pros who might have customers who would be willing to come to Glenbrook for the next 3 – 4 weeks and continue taking their lesson with their own pro. We recognize that many of our fellow pros have families and will need to continue to supply for their families and our support will allow them to do this during this crisis.
You can get the latest information about Glenbrook’s response to COVID-19 by following @GlenbrookRacquet and @GlenbrookPaddle on Facebook and Instagram.

Join us for the first ever ROUND ROBIN SERIES at Glenbrook Paddle Club
Here is the way it works:
- 4 Sundays in a row
- You do NOT need to sign up for all 4 SUNDAYS
- Come in the top 4 places and you make it to the Championship Play off Round
Pick your partner – can be the same or different each week If you come in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place you will be entered in to the Championship Round If you win with two different partners, you will have to pick which partner you want to play with in the Championship round
You only need to play in 2 round robins to be eligible for the Championship Round
Levels will be played at these times:
- 12 – 2 – 3.4 to 3.0 – $25.00 per Sunday
- 2 – 4 – 3.5 – 4.4 – $25.00 per Sunday
- 4 – 6 – 4.5 and above – $35.00 per Sunday (must have minimum of 12 entries per Sunday)
The first, second, third, and fourth place winners of each Sunday will be entered in to the play-off round robin on the last Sunday to determine the GRAND WINNER!
Prizes Received:
- GRAND WINNER – Gift Certificate to Ruth Chris Steak House for two (Value $100) $250.00 CASH (4.5 and above level) (must have 12 entries per)
- 2nd Place – Gift Certificate to Wild Fire for two (Value $75)
- 3rd Place – 1 Private PB Lessons with Will Colmar (Value $65.00)
- 4th Place – 2 Open Plays sessions at GPC Club (Value $20)
June 2 • June 9 • June 16 • June 23 • Championship Sunday – June 30th

Finally, a club devoted to the fastest growing sport in the country, Pickleball!
With the growth in popularity of paddle sports and pickleball there has been increasing demand for facilities that are devoted to these activities. Pickleball is usually played on gymnasium floors or other courts that are temporarily adapted for Pickle, but they are often too shiny and cause glare, dirty and uneven, or have flimsy tape for lines. NO MORE!
At Glenbrook Paddle Club we have 6 brand new courts with beautifully painted lines and friendly staff that can show you why it’s such a popular sport for people of all ages.
Whether you are interested in learning the sport, you’re looking for casual matches, or competitive leagues, we’ve got the games for you.

At Glenbrook Paddle Club we will be using junior sized courts and equipment. There has been some controversy over whether or not learning on smaller courts is beneficial for young tennis players but we are under the firm belief that starting children on smaller courts is an essential part of the process of learning and growing as a player. The two main reasons are below.
The main reason that we find it to be so important is that it allows the students to learn proper techniques and body control on a court that is more proportional to their size, just like in other sports like youth baseball, basketball, and soccer. As the children grow and develop they will be training their bodies to play in the proper angles and track the ball from the right perspective.
Another reason for choosing smaller courts for younger children is that they tend to achieve success faster. Using equipment that is tailored for young players allows them to move quicker and learn faster. Within a short time the kids are successfully able to hit the ball over the net and participate in a meaningful way. This will help ensure that the child’s first experience with tennis will be a positive one.
We hope that you will quickly see the benefits to your child by utilizing the appropriately sized courts.